Saturday, February 21, 2009

soundwave was today and my sister sold my fucking ticket saying, "you either pick soundwave or nine inch nails.."
how the heck am i suppose to choose from that? srsly
choosing between a festival where tons of my favourite bands are playing with one of my all time favourite band, or going to there seprate concert where they're playing moar than they should at soundwave with speical guest.
this is hard but sadly i pick nine inch nail ftw, so nin, you better watch out for me cause i'm going to bring hell to the concert hall.

so right now, i'm eating food which taste like shitty cement at the moment because i'm hella sick from cuddling with jake(that fuckface made me sick, stupid bastard. i love him tho) and he pretty much drew me million of pictures of things which made me cheese like crazy. he was really sick tho, coughing everywhere and at me... yuck! i can actually still feel the gems on me now but i somewhat love it in a way its impossible to explain. i feel weak and i don't wanna go to school tomorrow, wahwahwah wah wah wah wahhh
i love how legit gay we are, and how we mispell everything. you would so love to meet us but sadly, we hate people :)


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