Friday, January 16, 2009

atm i have been downloading non-stop its totally insane
tbh, i feel like a mad women without her medz and i'm pretty impress with myself
you might think i'm ridiculous but, whenever i download new music/bands etc
i actually feel more good about myself its so weird.
idk and idc but i can't really pin-point it.. eeeeepp welps!

went to the doctors today and he said i'm suffering from depression or wtfeva..
i've been feeling really shitty sick lately and preharps that's the cause? idk
i think i need some anti-depressen. he told me to keep a diary or journal to pour all my thoughts etc to keep me from stressing out so now my blogspot has now become my new personal joural.
everyday i'll be trying to rant my thoughts? if its even possible.
wish i had a keyborad pad on my phone and i wish it had free internet!
total drag fer sure
any recommendation?

eating maccas now! om nomnomnom nom om nom ommmmmm
trying to get all my songs back so yayweeeee
blah, gonna go and eat. kbaiithanx

i notice i'm a huge let down unlike most people

current mood: apathetic
current music: the hollow - a perfect circle

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