Sunday, January 18, 2009

so a while ago i was cleaning up my computer table when i surprisingly found my cd of 141 old songs that i use to always listen to
i was so happy that i actually jumped for joy which was a huge wtf to my family and pet dog regardless to what they said to me after i did the motion
idky but after i got the cd, i actually imported the whole lot on my computer which took pretty long for my standard and since i was an impatience bitch. i completely snap and shove the whole playist of weird song tags in my itunes and now my itunes is all weird with names like 'track 1' '*band name* - *song name* live o5 OOOOOOOOO)))))))))' i almost laughed out loud with how long it took me to rename the whole lot of songs and the weird name it had.

my itune has offically; 740 songs and still growing.
fuck yeah! the future indeed is looking good

oh and btw, i hate itchy bites.
i got about 6 and couting
current mood: impressed
current music: the hollow - a perfect circle


URIENATOR. said...

Awwwweh :3 HAHA,
Y00H R SOoOo CU+3!1!oneon!11

vanity sixx said...

noOooOo00OooO0, yo0oo0o0oo0oooo00u! ;3