Thursday, March 26, 2009

you are not your exterior, and you will never be. you desire positive connections with others because our energy is meant to reach different planes of existance together. division is wrong. division causes people sadness, anger, hate, all bad emotions that allow negative energy to run through you. push you to act different from your true being, and in a lot of cases it causes you to harm yourself. when ive encountered people that tell or show me that they harm themselves because they are suffering from depression it overwhelms me with remorse. using our animalistic ways against us theyve manipulated the human race into a thoughtless consuming machine. this may sound like a stupid "jab at the man" or something a conspiracy ridden hippie would talk about. but im not saying wake up to the injustice because thats a given. you should always look at what is driving every action of every person. it lets you know what kind of path they are on, or what kind of energy they thrive on. so im going to make this short. start looking into yourself, into your pure being. see the energy around you, how controls, how you can control it. and always be aware of negative energy and never let it possess your mind. i just ask you to start looking inside yourself . and let go of this ego society has shaped for you, meditation is a great way to do this, and the cheat sheet way to bypass years of mediation is psychoactive drugs but if you harbor a lot of negative energy or youre carrying it without even realizing you will be ensured to have an awful time. and what im asking you to do is look inside your and connect withyour pure being and live through it. so you dont get stuck or lost. if you have any questions or would like to start looking in yourself more and need a little help or guidance. i would be extremely happy to help. i hope this blog made a little of sense. im not really a fan of words.
no more living through others eyes and thoughts.
just remember if you allow it the answers will pour through you.
What do you think about all these different sub cultures such as "emo kids, scene kids, metal-heads, punks, goths, etc?"
Fuck all that crap. I wish everyone didn’t feel the need to attach themselves to some stupid fucking word and pretend that that’s the way they've always been or say "that’s just who I am". Its like, "no, what you are a consumer, obviously. You bought into something and tried to call it your own, but it’s not yours, you belong to it. It’s not an exclusive club, it’s not edgy, all you need is money and a weakened sense of identity and you can join."
today i was inspired by two amazing guys
i think i have fallen secretly inlove

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

this actually made my day, for sure :')

okay, this is how the storie goes.
firstly, matt's statues says:
"I'm gonna be like the only single guy in FFTL soon. DO i have cooties?"
i somewhat got amused and gave him that one comment out of fdbfsdbsjIDK, 100 people? saying: "HA! i'll be your g/f with or without cooties if you gave me 1 million dollars ;)" and he pretty much lurked my page back just to reply to me... matt gud srsly needs a life(lol jks) but i love him to much to hate on him hahahaha
he's soo hilarious and gives the cutest comments ever
ihavenoideawhyiamsolucky -____-

(bottom to top)

sean is an awesome douche, even tho this was old
(couple of weeks ago?)
i am a true asshole
current mood: sleepyPhotobucket
current music: tonightless - eighteen visions
"... jon syverson? jon syverson is that you?"
"better yet, why are you talking on COV's username? D:"
"i'm the new drummer for them that's why"


current mood: amusedPhotobucket
current music: la mer - nine inch nails

Sunday, March 22, 2009

what a night to remember<3

i srsly need to write a blog for the time i met fftl. i mean, i'm forgetting most of the things that happened already!
well first off, i remember going to NIN, stoked as always, buying my tickets, waiting in line, trying to waste time till the gate open and chilling/meeting up with mates who were going aswell.
when the gate opened, my mate and i literally ran for it pushing our way in(since we were small compared to the people there) and eagerally waited for NIN at the seating area first because there was no way we were going to wait in the mosh pit when the front barrier is filling with V.I.P-NIN(we had to wait 3 hours before they could go on aswell)
anyways, waiting in our seat we had a really nice conversation with a man that been to many shows. he seem to remember me from somewhere but i doubt it(hahaha)
apparently 'all asian look alike' in other people's prospective so i don't give a damn if they seen me or not. i just simply tell them that they're mistaken but please do talk to me so we can get to know each other now and not from before

anyways after waiting for what seems like forever, a band called 'jaguar love' went on stage and i thought the singer looked hella female by the way he moved and sung -____-
and the worst thing was that i listen to them LOLLLLLLLL
they were alright live but i liked them on the CD wayyyy better because they kept screeching and i really wanted NIN to be on
jaguar love went off with people telling them to play something better, my friend and i decided to go to the mosh pit leaving my sister alone(sadly she didn't want to stand). the wait for NIN was insane with alot of people already pushing and sweating. it was disgusting in a very comfortable way. i had alot of old people swaying around me(HA) i loved/hated it at the same time and when NIN finally came on, the mosh pit became worst! i lost my friends when they began played 'the frail'
got trent reznor's water bottle but gave up on holding it(it was still full and this bitch next to me kept trying to grab it so i threw it somewhere hahah). got these girls at the back of me playing with my hair saying how it's soooooo 'straight'. they didn't think i notice but i apparently did with how hard they were pulling it
had some dude's chest rub against me, people touching me and crowd surfers feet hitting me in the head far too much so i pulled out when NIN blackout with the whole street with it hahahhahahaha it was hilarious

went back to my sister and waited for 30mins for NIN to go back on. kept watching this lighting guy headbang and jump around like a fool when they played 'la mer', which was one my favourite song considering how hot it was and how air-con was now blowing from the vents. it was perfect. the lighting guy however was the BIGGEST douchebag because even when it was a soft song, he would hell bang like mad making me LOL so much
NIN was finish so i decided to call up my friend to meet up with me so i went downstair to see her and when i did, i saw a guy with orange hair and a face i recognized...
i then analyze the group he was hanging out with and saw it was infact FFTL and the person i first recognized was derek bloomm
i then stopped dead in my tracks and told my friend it was freckon FFTL and what the hell are they doing there?
my friend obviously stated that they were here for soundwave and my sister told me just to go to them beause i 've been a fan for about 4 years now so fgsdifdsfdjfbjs

i slowly approached matt good and tapped him on the shoulder and quietly said, "are you matt good from from first to last?"
"yeah, what's up?"

at this point, i was totally freaking out and couldn't say anything
i kept looking back and forth at my friends and sister so he had to say it again.
"what's up?"
my sister had to then yell out "TALK TO HIM YOU CHICKEN SHIT!" and had matt looking at her so she walked away with my friend(who had to go)
i then said, "i'm good" which was the most stupidest moment of my life without a doubt
he then poked me(aka; my braclet) and turned back to the front then back to me and said "did you go to warped tour?"
"you mean soundwave?"
"oh no, warped tour because my friend jac vanek sells those braclets"
"ohhh, i got this online. where's yours btw?"
*lifts up arm* "apparently i don't have it here now. mine says touble btw"
*smack head mentally because i forgot what his braclet had*

we then had to walk along the exit because many people were walking trying to get out so we started talking again.

"so, are you going to the forum to see us?" - matt
"ohhh i'm not real sure because i have school and everything! i really want to tho" - me
"hahah yeah, i've been real sick lately but i've been taking alot of medicine so my voice is all good now" - matt
"hahah yeah, i prefer your voice more than sonny moore btw" - me
"what?"(he couldn't hear me) - matt
"i prefer your voice more than sonny!!!!" - me
"ahaww really? your a legit fan because most people likes sonny's voice than mine so thank you!!!" - matt
"no, thank you!" 8'D - me
"you should really come to our show, we'll love it if you went" - matt
"yeah i'll tryyyyy" *matt had to go because fftl were calling him* - matt
*me walking back to my sister and cheezin like mad*
"hahahaha you guys seemed really close. he looked like he was cliggying on to you and he seem to really like you" - sister
"he was? fbdsjkfbdski'm a douche, he hates me haha shit i didn't get a picture with him! should i go back and ask?" - me
"yeah, go for it'" - sister
*walking back to matt. matt sees me and turns*
"matt, can i have a photo before i go?" - me
"yeah sure dude" - matt
*matt and i stand next to each other and get ready. i then bear hug him, he tenses and then relax*
"no, stand there" - sister
*matt and i move yet again*
"hahaha i don't think we should stand here because were blocking the way" -matt
*sister trys to take photo*
"... there's no memories!" - sister
"are you serious?!?!?" *take phone from sister and start deleting* - me
"hahahhaahah are you serious you guys don't have memories for your phone?" - matt
*i go back to matt, bear hug him again ahhaha. we then get ready for the photo. *
"1.. 2..." - sister
"hey, do you want me to take the photo so you'll be in it?" - some girl
"errrmm..." -sister
"HELEN!!!!" - me
"fine" - sister
*give the girl the phone and goes next to me*
"why don't you go next to matt so the photo looks better?" - me
"nahh.. i wouldn't wanna" - sister
*get ready for photo and finally it's taken*
*girl pretends to run away with my sisters phone*
"hahah joking!" - some girl
*sister gets phone back*
"thank you again! nice meeting you aswell, byeeee!" - me
"byeee!" *waves* - matt

*waiting at the back of hordern pavillion*
"i give up waiting, they're not going to get out" - me
"fine" - sister
*we see FFTL again and matt walks up to us*
"hahaha you're not like a normal fan are you?" - matt
"hahahaWHAT?!" - me
"i mean that most of our fans would wait till we go but you just went hahaha joking" - matt
"ohhh, hahaha i didn't want to bother you that's why." - me
"hahahha oh right. come to the forum alright?!" - matt
"fineee, byeeeeeee!"


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

so this afternoon after school, i saw one of my all time good friend named aaren walking along the street. when he saw me, he literally dragged me through the side walk with him and i was walking in a really awkward side step kind of way
"are we going on an adventure? it better be good because you're making me walk like a crab. hey would you still be into me if I was a crab?"
"well yeah, i guess so, but where would i put my dick?"

and all i get in return are cuddles+shitsandgiggles
mona and i had an epic conversation about things today
she made my day feel TONS better<3

have to go do my geography class assessment now. year 10 sucks, sport selections sucks, sport in general sucks and the blinding hot weather in autumn sucks. i wish it was winter already
current mood: merryPhotobucket
current music: lust for life - iggy pop

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


apparently i'm one of fftl's top listeners
i feel awesome and honored : )
get a lastfm and add me plzzzzzzzz. i've already been listening to music '5130'
STOKED TO GO TO '6000', just give me a day or so and you watch

Monday, March 16, 2009

i've been overwhelmingly tired over these last few weeks and i have no idea why
my immune system is getting weaker by the hour and the word anger definitely defines how i emotionally feel today
i'm constantly worried about everything and should really consider taking school more seriously
better yet, be social with outsiders again
today i had a really nice conversation with one of my parent's customers. she had the most intense colour of wild red in her hair that it kinda bloomed everytime she played with her hair.
she was quite amazing to be honest. she even recommended me some books and we talked about some of the bands she knew. her music range was awesome and we talked about how we both hated being in 'the crowd', it was epic
she loved me overall with how wordy and negative i was being. even when i was ranting about going shopping in shopping malls with stupid people around, listening to stupid mall music, looking at stupid overrated clothing and people just talking shit in general. i especially hated when i try on things in stores and the shop assistants doesn't leave me the fuck alone. i hate it when they stare because i somewhat feel fat about myself(yes i am aware that i have self esteem issues)
i'm self-conscious yet i don't give sympathy to anyone

my hi and bye friend went through my ipod today, she 'wtf' at more than half my bands.
dsfdfsfdfdsfdfdsi love it when people look at me funny after looking at my ipod. i am an asshole
i want to live in canada or america. andddd i might be getting get free clothing soon!
i'm stoked actually, look how good they look:

i heard it's really comfy@____@
*want even more*

i had a little brain storm session with my tutor today, it was brilliant and this is what i ended up writing up for my english assessment, 'who am i?'
"It is difficult for a person to sit down, and really consider all of the pieces that build upon his or her own character. Personally, I found it especially challenging when I began to write out a list of words that describe my personality, and came to realize that many of these words directly contradicted one another. However, despite this fact, the contradictions seen between words did not disprove the truth of the other, but instead worked together to effectively draw up a summary of me. For example, I am an angry person by temperament, yet can be easily overjoyed by the simplest things in life. I am, as well, an anti-social socialite: the kind of person to prefer my own remoteness, but easily adapt to unpremeditated social situations. Furthermore, my psyche is easy to understand, but impossible to figure out. It is in my nature to be multifarious, but all of my varying characteristics tie together collectively to make me the person I am."
... i surprise myself sometimes
current mood: impressedPhotobucket
current music: 100 grand canyon - cancer bats
haha, it's 12:22am and i'm still wake
i wanna pull an all nighter because atm, i hafta do my music assessment and study on my history exam. booooo hooooooo!
i have 4 upcoming assessments and i haven't even started on one yet
also, i haven't been blogging for ages and i'm starting to have an unhealthy obsession with twitter (follow me btw or get one plz)

just removed the spell check from firefox and i'm stoked to know that all my sentance will receive spelling errors for now on but quite frankly, i don't give a happy gay fuck about it
today i had a really enlightening conversation with my amazing friend daniel.
he made my realize i'm a bitter person with a strong heart and mind
i love my friends. i LOVE daniel
"you'll find your way, your an intelligent young woman and deserve much more" - daniel

daniel's words are the only thing that could get me through life and i love it when his sl00t girlfriends calls me a "butch" for wearing a jumper hoodie with skinny jeans hahaha
i dress for comfort, not to expose my fucking flesh to the damn world to see(note; she was wearing short shorts and a skimpy top when it was raining and cold lol)
thankyou danny boy for sticking up for me. you are da man :)

current mood: lovedPhotobucket
current music: secerts don't make friends - from first to last

Saturday, March 14, 2009

m.j "so what do you think michelle is going to do for lent?"
jake "have sex with everything that moves."
m.j "were talking about giving up, not gaining"
jake "but she'll fucking do it anyways!"
m.j "ditto"

my friends are amazing.
current mood: sleepyPhotobucket
current music: stinkfist - tool

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



<3matt g00d


Friday, February 27, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

things you should be aware of

me + m.j + jake = have the gayest, epic conversation EVERRR!

jake: mlahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh marry me
me: K!
jake: :)
me: i dare you.
jake: i would be glad
me: ohhh reeeeally?
jake: no doubt
m.j: fuck, are you guys having an orgy or some lovey doevy crap like that?
me: way to break the mood dewd, i was about to score myself a cheap disposable husband
jake: totallyyy
current mood: sickPhotobucket
current music: seize the day - avenged sevenfold
soundwave was today and my sister sold my fucking ticket saying, "you either pick soundwave or nine inch nails.."
how the heck am i suppose to choose from that? srsly
choosing between a festival where tons of my favourite bands are playing with one of my all time favourite band, or going to there seprate concert where they're playing moar than they should at soundwave with speical guest.
this is hard but sadly i pick nine inch nail ftw, so nin, you better watch out for me cause i'm going to bring hell to the concert hall.

so right now, i'm eating food which taste like shitty cement at the moment because i'm hella sick from cuddling with jake(that fuckface made me sick, stupid bastard. i love him tho) and he pretty much drew me million of pictures of things which made me cheese like crazy. he was really sick tho, coughing everywhere and at me... yuck! i can actually still feel the gems on me now but i somewhat love it in a way its impossible to explain. i feel weak and i don't wanna go to school tomorrow, wahwahwah wah wah wah wahhh
i love how legit gay we are, and how we mispell everything. you would so love to meet us but sadly, we hate people :)

i'm afraid to sleep because im afraid to dream. night is more frightening than day, because at night, as soon as i fall asleep, i'm alone. during the day, i talk. at night, in my dreams, no one answers. i'm always alone and i'm afraid. while i'm falling asleep, i already know what i will dream. i'm afraid.

i wish i was a vampire, really.
current mood: sickPhotobucket
current music: king of the world - porcelain and the tramp

Friday, February 20, 2009

'To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you. If you dream that you are giving or donating blood, then it suggests that you are feeling physically drained due to stress. To dream that others are bleeding, signifies an emotional cry for help. To see blood on your hands, signifies that you are experiencing some sort of guilt.'

i hate dreams
current mood: exhausted
current music: what i always wanted - kitte



Thursday, February 5, 2009

11th weds feb 2009<3

Misery Signals Pictures, Images and Photos

Misery Signals Pictures, Images and Photos
sitting at home listening to music with no one at all, and somehow I realize how lonely and depressed I have been over the pass few years.
idk but the thought just occurred to me just a few minutes ago and I cried. I cried because I knew I wasted my life doing the things I never really thought were a waste of time till now. I stopped doing the thing I loved and started doing things that I hate. I was never really happy but what really makes me happy? that question has been bothering me since day one.
I want to do all the things I love and deep inside, I know my dreams will never come true... I know that I will never do this and that and I know I have low self-esteen issue, yet I keep putting myself down moar and moar and I fucking hate it.
I look at myself in the mirror and I notice i may look happy on the outside but in the inside, i’m torn apart. I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself, I HATE REALITY!!!!

I called my parents up at work a few minutes ago while I was typing this and I don’t know what came over me but I felt like I needed them and it scared me with how much I missed them.
when I was young, I never really got a lot of attention from my parents cause they were always too busy with work to look after me. they even hired nannies to look after me and I think this might be the reason why? idk but during the conversation, my mum sounded a bit concern and I was glad. she could tell when i’m sad but I couldn’t really tell her. I sound stupid already pouring my thought to my blogspot so whatever. I asked her if I could talk to my sisters which she kindly gave it to and this is how the conversation went:
sister: hello?
me: hey, how are you?
sister: ...are you okay..?
me: yeah i’m good, just bored y’know. what are we eating tonight?
sister: pizza
me: sweeeeeet, where’s *****?
sister: at a shop getting mum things
me: when are you guys getting home?
sister: soon
me: okay
sister: *hangs up*

it saddens me dearly to know that I never had a really good relationship with my sisters. I wish I did now overlooking the conversation we had and now my daily routine is sleeping while my family have dinner and i’m sick of myself. here I am crying and pouring my thoughts and I know no-one will care because who would? i’m just a person having teenage problems and I’ll get over it either way, its not the end of the world. my doctor was right, I do have depression and need a fucking therapist... anti-depression might work aswell but I need a parent guardian and shit like that so i’m totally fucked over. at the moment, the best cure for this situation is music for me, but these days the magic isn’t working as much. maybe I should go see some live band concert? idk but I really want to see NIN. I can’t explain how fucking amazing NIN is because trent reznor is a pure genies. I always wondered how he create such music and I would love to see him do it with my own eyes. what inspire the man to do what he does and how great is it with him to work with jordy white? eeeeeepp, I lub that man to bits! both of themmm

I called m.jay and she knew something was wrong straight away and this is why I love her. she always know when something is wrong, even on the phone she knews. during the phone conversation, she listened to me pour my thoughts and cheered me up without hesitation. she always know how to make me happy and idk how to explain how much I love her/she means to me. I know I wrote a blog about her but I just can’t stop loving her! she’s my true bffl and I can always trust her with my life I shit you not. once we get out of school, we promise each other we will move in together and travel to america/japan and forever live there(hopefully). i’m actually abit happy with myself that I achieve the greatest friend a girl could ever have. even when we see each other is great. when we have problems, it never make up time for us. were always too busy having fun to even care and our phone calls can never be beaten. we even stay up for each other and when one needs the other the most, you can bet were always there for each others back.
wise words from m.j, “if I wasn’t considered a lesbian for saying this, I would so fucking marry you” hahhaahahahily
current mood: depressed
current music: the year summer ended in june - misery signals

Sunday, February 1, 2009

just a few minutes ago, i passed out on the bed within seconds from going home(reason were i haven't slept for two days straight) and when i regain consciousness, my sister is in the room checking my pulse saying:

'are you still alive?'

why am i always somewhat sick @ the worst times and still have to go to school?
and why does the worst things happen to me?
goodbye good math grades and hello bad math grades.
current mood: exhaustedPhotobucket
current music: weight of the world - patrick watson

Saturday, January 31, 2009

m.j: jake listens to depressing music
me: fiona apple
m.j: depressing music
me: and fiona apple
mj: depressing music..
current mood: happy
current music: homecoming - misery signals
"it's just like me to burn alive"
i actually want those words tattooed on my body thanks
man, i haven't been posting awhile since i had school and everything and let me say school has been a pain from what subjects i have on my timetables.
for one, 5 textbooks and now bringing a fucking laptop to school? *back breaks*
getting a locker on monday so thank the lord for that and having great amazing teachers this year, fuck yeahhh!
school is looking rather good but idk. i have to see first before i say that and i'm really really trying to do well this year. hopefully me studying my best will pay off via making my parents proud

my stomach burn/ulcer has finally gone from what the doctor is telling me so thank god for that
i hate having nausea because of the pain and feeling shit from it was the worsttttt
i want a kitten, or a puppy, idk. might be going lens shopping tomorrow and finally make my camera better. need a wide lens blah blah blah blah blah
i love watching little britian after school cause it always the best way in making me feel good. that show is so funny that i advise everyone to watch it!
i'm starting to have abit of british accent in the way that i speak so eeeeepp
current mood: mellow
current music: evil - interpol

Sunday, January 25, 2009


All That Could Have Been

i would like to give everyone a happy chinese new year and australia day!
i have been all stoked this week, idky but it has to do something with this weather cause it has been so nice lately that i've haven't even sweated my guts out yet
school's this thursday and i must say i can't wait to see everyoneeeee
my roots are growing as we speak and i'm not impress. going to dye my hair more dark red cause idk, i got told my hair is already red.. wdf?
i cut my own fringe and its forever fucked till it grows
my laptop died on me yesterday and i need to go to a mac store to have it fix. stoopid mac and there stooopid advance technology.
if i'm going to buy mac for now on, i'll be spending and breaking millions so i have to buy more, blah!

912 songs in my itune!!1!
my stomach been feeling so much better lately that i'm gonna go chill now, 'sweeeeeet'
current mood: bouncyPhotobucket
current music: i don't care - fall out boy

Friday, January 23, 2009

someone "i just smoked a bowl of weed"
self(somewhat grossed out/unimpressed/don't give a shit) "cute"
current mood: blank
current music: burn it down - avenged sevenfold
i am so sore from walking all day! today was a terrible day as i hated it and was somewhat annoyed and irrated with the slightest aggression people did and what i thought.
drank so many crappy soda drinks and ended up drinking the 2litre water just like my doctor asked. felt somewhat good about myself and mentally patted myself on the back(lol)
went to luna park and i hated that place for some reason. everything was so tacky and fake with how hot the weather was making me feel, i hate how the rides looked and the feel of children/parents laughing... i hated how i hated today and was partly negative about everything.
on the other hand, i had a good hair cut today which made me feel loads better and ticked off my to-do-list. my layers are pretty short and choppy now but i still need to cut my fringe shorter!!!
had a really nice phone conversation with m.jay for 6hrs straight and it was beautiful(which isn't a surprise)
it was smart, interesting and never awkward and i loved it so much!

i loved how our conversation was like 'doooooddewd', 'sweeeeeet' and 'fuck yeah!'
idk but that's how we talk and i know that didn't sound intellagant the convo, but it was
if you were there, you would of agreed. i miss talking to her so much even tho we always try to talk everyday. i wish i lived closer to her or she lived closer to meeeee :[
i always feel so much better talking to her, i miss her so much even tho she lives 2hrs away from me but stilllll, i love her to bits!
she's the only person that understands/put up with me about my rants and 'how awesome this' and 'how i hate that'
i love how i can be normal around her and feel like family. we tell each other everything and she's fer sure the only person i can spill anything to and i love her for putting up with me cause i wouldn't be the person i am today without her.
we share the same range of music, interest and hobbies yet when i'm down, she always know what makes me smile with 'dewdddd, zacky wouldn't like you crying over *insert my reason for me crying*, he'll think your a fag!!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA *snort*'
iloveyousofuckingmuch m.j, and how do irhy @ the same time hahahaa
current mood: sore
current music: the wicked end - avenged sevenfold

Christofer Drew, I love you!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

this is so unlike me not to post so here i am trying to make up for those 2 days(?) of not posting.
20th january:-
idk but i had this huge stomach burn pain and laid in bed squirming for 2 hours straight, drinking icy cold water to make me feel slightly better and take my incredible pink and black pills. finally got out of my bed realizing i wasted my life playing with the computer abit too much for my likings as i have nothing better to do so i started to play with my nitendo 64(yes i still play with that old crappy machine) my mates called me up to say she wanted to take me out to destory the city which i kindly said 'hell yes' to
picked me up around 12:10pm and drove me which was pretty scary cause she kept her eyes entirly off the road making us swive every now and then with a few screams and laughs. blasted the oldies from the speakers and pissed off a few people(mostly people who were blasting trance outta there speakers, can you say ew?) from the road making us 'el-oh-el'.
got to the city, complained about how hot it was for 3omin straight, vandalized with some vengenz gear, went shopping and brought tons of junk food since i found out we were going to her house afterwards. met up with more mates. camera lens shop. pounce on m.jay cause i love her to bits! wasted about $90. pretend i was going out with jake to some mates, kicked jake on the shin for half-arsing to act like my boyfriend(he failed completely) went to my friends house with the materials. fought over the air-conditionar. watched some movies. had a movie marathon. everyone was drunk. made cupcakes and cakes which tasted like crap cause we forgot some ingredient and made our own one. took tons of pictures with my camera. try to sing the canadian athem which soon followed the american and australia. had a swig of this drink which my friends dared me to drink and it wasn't nice at all(mixed drinks with tons of soft drinks and other crap) idk but there were more stuff but i cbf to remember really.
21st january:-
got a call that i was going to bullet which i later found out my melbourne friend wasn't going so i didn't want to go despite the begging of my friends to go so i gave my other mate the ticket(he was begging me for it). had a fit of how hot it was with myself. had to go to my parents shop for whatever reason. had vegetarian pizza. worked my butt off doing shop work. got fucked over with folding clothes and blankets(it was goddamn heavy!) went home, relaxed etc
nothing interesting happened after that so i should probably stop writing till my hands start to bleed.

oh, i fixed my myspace and found out my hair is apparantly red not brown.. wdf?!
going luna park tomorrow. i seriously can't wait!
current mood: okay
current music: when i come around - green day

Monday, January 19, 2009

*this takes place last sunday where a voting poll for something stands*
idk, i like to re-create the moment.

me: "mum, i think i'm going to vote"
mother: "oh god, i swear if you write down 'zacky vengeance' or 'suck my dick', your out of the house!!!"
current mood: delirious
current music: signal - sonny

WE R D4 U35D

its been quite awhile since i have talked/rant about the used, so i'm going to start here and now.
i can't really explain how much this band means to me. its unexplainable for one, yet i long to pour my heart out about them.
i remembered i went the 'the used' concert in 2007, taste of chaos with mona and let me say they were amazing which isn't a doubt a surprise. infact, i went to all there concerts during the 2007 error and i never regret any of my time there. i never did anyways
hopefully in the future i'll get to meet them(in person). that's definitely a 'must do' before my time is up, i actually can't wait for it!
next stop, stalking the used @ a airport near byyyyy 8D

802 songs in my itune btw and in 3 days, i have been listening to my songs about 912 times
went to the doctors again today, and he checked me and said i looked fine.
apparently he was somewhat surprise since my stomach wasn't acting up as much as before and asked me what i've been doing to make this work. all i could say is that i've been pretty content and occupie over these pass few days collecting music and listening to it non-stop so idk, he seemed really impressed but gave me this medication since i'm still having abit of stomach burns and crap like that.. gay
he still think i'm abit depress(told me to see a theripist, wtf?) but told me to still keep the journal upto date which was alright, and drink about 2litres of water everyday. i'm seriously going to have water overdose and pee like no tomorrow for now on.
i hate listening to the doctors.. i even hate going to them.
current mood: unimpressed
current music: world war me - from first to last

Sunday, January 18, 2009

you say i'm a dreamer

"to see a stranger in your dream, symbolizes the part of yourself that is repressed and hidden."

i had the weirdest dream today where i kept meeting strangers that i had no idea who they were and feel so comfortable around them, it was so crazy
i didn't know who they were yet i long to tell them everything. it scared me with how much i trusted them within seconds, and it scared me how close we got when i didn't even get there name..
we met among each other yet we passed each other like it was nothing

overall i think i am scared of myself or life
current mood: uncomfortable
current music: freedom of choice - devo
fuck! my internet is capped and now i am here loading some pages on my laptop, twitching in annoyance with how slow it is
it took me about 10mins just to download ONE song that lasted for 2:32mins
sad isn't it?
i even tried to internet surf shop which was a total epic fail since all the pictures took about 5mins to load and i didn't find anything i liked with how bad the names sound(cbf looking @ the pictures anymore)
so i decided to look @ the old stuff i've been wanting for agessss
for one, i want;

and this isn't even half of it but i mostly want this ^^^
i seriously can't wait till the economic rates come back
i have so many things i had my eyes on, its hurtingg
current mood: annoyed
current music: mr.bungle - a perfect circle
so a while ago i was cleaning up my computer table when i surprisingly found my cd of 141 old songs that i use to always listen to
i was so happy that i actually jumped for joy which was a huge wtf to my family and pet dog regardless to what they said to me after i did the motion
idky but after i got the cd, i actually imported the whole lot on my computer which took pretty long for my standard and since i was an impatience bitch. i completely snap and shove the whole playist of weird song tags in my itunes and now my itunes is all weird with names like 'track 1' '*band name* - *song name* live o5 OOOOOOOOO)))))))))' i almost laughed out loud with how long it took me to rename the whole lot of songs and the weird name it had.

my itune has offically; 740 songs and still growing.
fuck yeah! the future indeed is looking good

oh and btw, i hate itchy bites.
i got about 6 and couting
current mood: impressed
current music: the hollow - a perfect circle

Saturday, January 17, 2009

its 4:34pm in the afternoon and i've been feeling shitty since i woke up. idky but when i woke up, i had this terrible feeling down in my stomach and it kinda burns if that makes sense.
i think i need to go to the doctors again and apparently upgrade my grammar cause idk, firefox is making me lack fixing up my spelling with this spellcheck and i somewhat hate it.
note to self: delete firefox spellcheck
been listening to all my old cd's again!
i'm actually really happy for once that i've been importing music into my laptop listening to it everynow and then.

i miss listening to all the music i use to always listen to.
next stop; downloading

- i hate myself
- the misfits
- iron maiden
- the rolling stones
- bob dylan
- deez nuts
- modest mouse
- astronautails
- chronicles of adam west
- converge
- botch
- saosin
- behind crimson eyes
- pantera
- mr.bungles
- bad religion
- pg. 99
- horizons
- the hope conspiracy
- horse the band
- blessthefall
- transistor transistor
- lye by mistake
- psyopus
- echo & the bunnymen
- between the buried and me
- tortuga
- agnostic front
- black sheep wall
- graf orlock
- gregor samsa
- l'antietam
- do androids dream of electric sheep?
- JR ewing
- empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate)
- by the end of tonight
- bucket full of teeth
- iron lungs
- i, robot
- kaospilot
- combatwoundedveteran
- skeletons and the kings of all the cities
- port blue
- the emerson letters
- jaguar love
- cut the shit
- moros eros
- you and i
- audrey
- louise attaque
- usurp synapse
- the suicide file
- foals
- agnostic front
- grave maker
- hot water music
- go it alone
- have heart
- swamp thing
- pulling teeth
- this town needs guns
- three second kiss
- this will destroy you
- the zombies
- the bacne boys
- andrew jackson jihad
- defiance, ohio
- grave maker
- holy fuck
- hot cross
- hour of the wolf
- i hear sirens
- i would set myself of fire for you
- immortal technique
- 90 day men
- violet femmes
- agoraphobic nosebleed
- bleeding through
- the shins
- the birds are spies, they report the trees
- these monsters
- alesena
- underoath
- i am ghost
- scary kids scarying kids
- a day to remember
- new found glory
- forever the sickest kids
- the devil wears prada
- the 90 day men
- the bled
- suicide silence
- senses fail
- SIXX: a.m.
- alexisonfire
- 36 crazyfists
- inhale exhale
- amber pacific
- kill hannah
- bob marley
- the dillinger escape plan
- 108
- everytime i die
- dead in existence
- enter shikari
- august burns red
- aiden
- greeley estates
- chindos
- gym class heros
- the sun sets
- snowbird
- norma jean
- matthew good band
- brand new
- the ramones
- sid vicious
- led zeppelin
- van halen
- jimmy eat world
- the smiths
- sleeping girl
leonard cohen
- my bloody valentine
the pixies
cocteau twins
- nina hagen
- ciccone youth
- isis / 20 minutes / 40 years
- spinal tap
- river styx
- grand funk railroad
- bread
- aphex twins
- strata
- finger eleven
- megadeth
- jimi hendrix
- the distillers
- Straight Reads The Line
- The Gorgeous
- Shoemaker Levy 9
- The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
- lye by mistake
- the crinn
- From a Second Story Window
- War from a Harlots Mouth
- Me and Him Call It Us
- Destroyer Destroyer
- into the moat
- five star prison cell
- The Arusha Accord
- Gallows
- dead swans
- The Holly Springs Disaster
- Comeback Kid
- billy joel
- Andrew Jackson Jihad
- rev theory
- owl city
- eyehategod
- smoke city
- Despised Icon
- Immortal Technique
- The Distillers
- the cure
- Zach Hill and Holy Smokes
- Grails
- Baroness
- O A K S
- Jesus Cröst
- united nation
- kill sadie
- young widows
- harkonen
- narrows
- bear vs. shark
- The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower
- Fight Amp
- pg.lost
- refused
- sinking ships
- trap them
- ed gein
- fever ray
- mind eraser
- The Assemble Head In Sunburst Sound
- teeth of the sea
- i hate you
- m. ward
- *shels
- high jinks
- idiot pilot
- funeral diner
- Shook Ones
- Kali
- Fever Ray
- The Banner
- Ed Gein
- high jink
- agoraphobic nosebleed
- sex positions
- punch
- intergrity
- pulling teeth
- man is the bastard
- dangers
- genghis tron
- down to nothing
- the suicide file
- lewd acts
- glassjaw
- magrudergrind
- reign supreme
- mewithoutyou
- zaza
- refused
- the jesus and mary chain
- despise you
- ghostlimb
- comadre
- pygmy lush
- orchid
- zozobra
-this will destroy you
- the ocean
- Zdzisław Piernik and Piotr Zabrodzki
-susi la lune
- snuffaluffagus
- m:pati
- rotting out
- toxic holocaust
- sliverfish
- whitechapel
- skeletons & the girl faced boys
- open eyes elysia
- carpathian
- unearthy trance
- duck duck goose
- the shitty limits
- hexes
- werewolves
- combat wounded veteran
- fleeting joys
- signal hill
- the sound ofanimals fighting
- merzbow
- cruel hand
- giant squid
- blacklisted
- the creatures
- north
- de la soul
- hummingbird of death
- kylesa
- neurosis
- my ameica is watching tigers die
- metric
- the farley overdose
- despised icon
- 65daysofstatic
- lets grow

The Assemble Head In Sunburst Sound


A Storm of Light

Three Second Kiss

Echo & The Bunnymen

Mind Eraser

The Murder City Devils

Hall & Oates

Soul Control

Be Your Own Pet





His Hero Is Gone

Nouvelle Vague

Have Heart


Knuckle Scraper

Boys Night Out

Municipal Waste

Cage & Tame One/Leak Bros


The Nation of Ulysses

Elfin Saddle



Reel Big Fish

The Get Up Kids

Fleet Foxes


Cry Of The Afflicted

The Mongoloids

The Muslims

Anthony Braxton, William Parker & Milford Graves

Volta Do Mar


Social Coma

The Karelia

Iron Lung


We Are Scientists

Sabertooth Zombie

Limp Wrist


Cut the Shit

Paint It Black

Shai Hulud

Into the Moat



50 Lions

Usurp Synapse



Agents of Oblivion

Against Me!

Evergreen Terrace

Think I Care


The Knife


Adebisi Shank

Down for life

Phoenix Bodies

The Power & the Glory

Cadence Weapon ---Free albums @

Russian Circles

Altar of Plagues

Murder in the Red Barn




Rival Schools

Jaga Jazzist

The Aquabats

Thievery Corporation

Some Kind of Hate

Minutemen & Black Flag


The Recession

M. Ward

New Fast

Suchi Rukara

Zola Jesus

My Education

And So I Watch You From Afar

Das Oath

Count Me Out

War Pigs

The Zombies

Hermit Thrushes


Digression Assassins

Dance Gavin Dance

Ahimsa Sunrise



Vitamin X



Crippled Black Phoenix


And a Few to Break

Matt & Kim

Colin of Arabia

Acoustic Ladyland

1000 Travels of Jawaharlal

The Pax Cecilia


Hollow Jan

The Sawtooth Grin

International Superheroes of Hardcore



Los Campesinos!

Trapped Under Ice

Make Believe

The Kinison

Rites of Spring

Cave In




City and Colour

Gift Eaters



Library Tapes

Admiral Angry

Seven Days of Samsara


Life at These Speeds


Giraffes? Giraffes!



Impending Doom

Frightened Rabbit


La Quiete

The Raunchous Brothers

Me and Him Call It Us

In Disgust

Pig Destroyer


Math You



Set Your Goals

Amanda Woodward


Shoemaker Levy 9

Hero Of A Hundred Fights

World's End Girlfriend





By the End of Tonight

Lightning Bolt

Red Sparowes

Upsilon Acrux

Neil on Impression

Grave Maker



Majority Rule

Less Than Jake

The Spectacle

Left for Dead

Bad Brains

This Is Your Captain Speaking

The Accidental

We vs. Death

Take A Worm For A Walk Week

Tiny Hawks

Enrique Iglesias

The Hope Conspiracy


aussitôt mort

Crime in Stereo

Followed By 37 Seconds Of Happiness

Gillian Carter

Blank Stare

The Distillers


The Twilight Sad

Neil Perry


Collapse Under The Empire

Rise and Fall

2 O'Clock Girlfriend

Animal Collective

Hot Water Music

Wow, Owls!

The Drift

Crossed Out

Agent Ribbons




George Dorn Screams

Murder Practice


Toru Okada

Fuck Buttons

Swallow your Tongue

Carry On

Bark Psychosis

Beware of Safety

Maylene and the Sons of Disaster

Crime In Choir

Year Long Disaster

Yaphet Kotto

Violent Breakfast





Loma Prieta

A Tribe Called Quest


An Emerald City

Welcome the Plague Year

An Albatross

A Mountain Of One


Tiger Army

JR Ewing

Love Like... Electrocution

The Jazz June

This City Sunrise


Regina Spektor



The Bravery

Man Man


Look Mexico

Touche Amore

Louise Attaque



Circa Survive

Hot Club de Paris

Harm's Way

The Flying Worker!

Flying Lotus


Fucked Up

Explosions in the Sky

The Cancer Conspiracy


Back When


gauge means nothing

Rolo Tomassi

My Disco

...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

Comeback Kid

the birds are spies, they report to the trees

A Dying Declaration

Swamp Thing


Charles Bronson

The Abominable Iron Sloth


The Lawrence Arms
kid dynamite
paint it black
crrime in stereo
go it alone
death is not glamourous
The Hope Conspiracy
another breath
O! The Joy
Another Breath
The Mongoloids
dance gavin dance
the suicide file
final fight
agents of oblivion
matt & kim
american nightmare
earth crisis
bad brains
at the drive-in
the carps
hot snakes
cutting pink with knives
moonlit sailor
cut copy
sur lune
city of caterpillar
algernon cadwallader
let down
nouvelle vague
burn idols
joshua fit for battle
bad brains
the bravery
crystal castles
on the might of princes
hall & oates
ioen eyes elysia
impure wilhelmina
look mexico
back when
teruo nakamura
black elk
suchi rukara
true colors
dirty money
paint it black
impending doom
the plot to blow up the eiffel tower
car bomb
the assemble head in sunburst sound
the zombies
phoenix bodies
this will destroy you
joy division
ghostface killah
fuck on the beach
fever ray
dead fish
pygmy lush
tiger army
a flower kollapsed
cheval de frise
echo & the bunny men
agent ribbons
the knife
we vs. death
beware of safety
the great sabatini
tristan tzara
man is the bastard
some girls
toxic holocaust
end of a year
dead flesh fashion
black dice
guns up!
the carrier
crystal castles
50 lions
cadence weapon
death is not glamourous
youth pictures of florence henderson
by sunlight
2 O'clock girlfriend
summer at shatter creek
majority rule
insect warfare
the ocean
giraffes? giraffes?
the hidden hand
daniel licht
the jonbenet
the great redneck hope
catch your breath
hermit thrushes
vitamin X
shoemaker levy 9
streetlight manifesto
pointing finger
song of zarathustra
dead hearts
the creatures
polar bear club
social coma
storm and stress
the banner
fever ray
storm and stress
social coma
graf orlock
godspeed you! black emperor
shai hulud
grave maker
the kidcrush
admiral angry
Architecture in Helsinki
Animals as Leaders
cutting pink with knives
ss decontrol
draft, the
reel big fish
the swords project
shoemaker levy 9
usurp synapse
ed gein
power trip
robot whales
the sound of animals fighting
crippled black phoenix
louise attaque
the locust
born without a face
output message
the raunchous brothers
sur lune
hall & oates
maps & atlases
down to nothing
the acacia strain
early graves
unearthly trance
let down
apartment 213
have heart
tiger army
from monument to masses
dead fish
over vert
amanda woodward
men as trees
hot water music
rites of spring
soul control
trap them
anal cunt
cymbals eat guitars
black castle gregory and the hawk
the sons of saturn
molotov solution
crime in stereo
pygmy lush
fever ray
the banner
suis la lune
the suicide file
usurp synapse
the appleseed cast
dead hearts
7 seconds
paint it black
fever ray
cold craving
crawl back in
down to nothing
rise and fall
death cab for cutie
fleeting joys
cadence weapon
cruel hand
against me!
with honor
the bravery
despise you
despised icon
municipal waste
summer at shatter creek
the suicide file
The Abominable Iron Sloth
shallow your tongue
black sheep wall
His Hero Is Go
george dorn screams
band of horses
The Para-Medics
ed gein
shallow your tongue
shallow the ocean
every time i die
Dance Gavin Dance
Skeletons & The Girl Faced Boy
Nouvelle Vague
Regina Spektor
Transglobal Underground
The Mad Conducto
The Mongoloids
the nails
flash gordon
his hero is gone
fleet foxes
murder practice
Fortunate Son
ghostface killah
Noisy Sins of the Insect
Secret And Whispe
the sawtooth grin
Drive Like Jehu
Portugal. The Ma
Band of Horses
Born Without A Face
Down to Nothing
Noisy Sins of the Insect
Born Without A Face
Down to Nothing
Noisy Sins of the Insect
I Hate You
Immortal Technique
This Town Needs Guns
This Town Needs Guns
Lye By Mistake
Genghis Tron
By the End of Tonight
Paint It Black
Verse En Coma
jamie cullum
Reel Big Fish
Immortal Technique
Buried Inside
Product Of Waste
Colour Revolt
Some Girls
Violent Breakfast
(The Sounds Of) Kaleidoscope
Title Fight
Down to Nothing
We Made God
Rolo Tomassi
The Lady is not for Burning
Death From Above 1979
Boys Night Out
My Own Private Alaska
End of a Year
Death Is Not Glamorous
Because of Ghosts
Shai Hulud
Purple Mercy
Gregor Samsa
Another Breath
Born Without A Face
Digression Assassins
The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower
Soul Control
A Storm of Light
Hot Water Music
Digression Assassins
Soul Control
A Storm of Light
Hot Water Music
The Boy Will Drown
Tiger Army
I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism in Your Yearbook
High Jinks
Kite Flying Society
Tiger Army
Hall & Oates
horror humano
The Hope Conspiracy
other lives
Reign Supreme
moving mountains
Republic of Freedom Fighters
Pygmy Lush
maudlin of the Well
Circa Survive
Cool Hand Luke
Have Heart
The Hidden Hand
You and I
Vitamin X
Follow the white rabbit
Carry On
Weekend Nachos
Reversal of Man
Anal Cunt
End of a Year
Grand Magus
Agnostic Front
Phoenix Bodies
Shai Hulud
Breather Resist
The Get Up Kids
The Mongoloids
Echo & The Bunnymen
cage &tame One/Leak bros
Some Girls
Black Sheep Wall
Head Wound City
Suis La Lune
Chainsaw to the face
bright eyes
Municipal Waste
with honor
The Power & the Glory
Hot Club de Paris
Los Campesinos!
Wolf Whistle
de la soul
the zombies
Insect Warfare
Animal Collective
Soul Control
Vitamin X
Gillian Carter
Cage & Tame One/Leak Bros
The Spectacle
Drive Like Jehu
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Comeback Kid
Hot Club de Paris
Death From Above 1979
The Sound of Animals Fighting
Polar Bear Club
Cruel Hand
isodora crane
Insect Warfare
Dead Fish
Ben Weinman/Greg Puciato
Moving MountainsUsurp Synapse
Paint It Black
Wolf Whistle
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Esconder Micara
The Nation of Ulysses
Streetlight Manifesto
Be Your Own Pet
Look Mexico
We vs. Death
Ed Gein
Skeletons and the Kings of All Cities
Skeletons & The Girl Faced Boys
High Jinks
Burn Idol
World's End Girlfriend
Pygmy Lush
Vitamin X
All Through A Life
The Appleseed Cast
Riff Raff
Murder City Devils
Below the Sea
Limp Wrist – Dead Weight Yesterday 1:31pm
Play Every Time I Die – Apocalypse Now and Then Yesterday 1:29pm
Suicide Silence – Wasted Yesterday 1:25pm
mewithoutYou – Brownish Spider Yesterday 1:24pm
Converge – Heartache Yesterday 1:22pm
Allegiance – Out Of My Blood Yesterday 1:20pm
Arcade Fire – Wake Up Loved track Yesterday 1:14pm
Rufio – Decency Yesterday 1:10pm
Colin of Arabia – Slave Driver Yesterday 1:09pm
The Minor Times – Lynch's Blue Velvet Yesterday 1:06pm
Algernon Cadwallader – Some Kind of Cadwallader Yesterday 1:04pm
Play Logh – Thieves in the Palace Yesterday 12:56pm
Go It Alone – Water Finds It's Own Level Yesterday 12:54pm
Pixies – Gouge Away Yesterday 12:51pm
Sabertooth Zombie – Fragments Yesterday 12:50pm
L'antietam – We Drank to the Top of Our Lungs Yesterday 12:49pm
The Cure – From The Edge Of The Deep Gree Yesterday 12:41pm
Play No Doubt – Staring Problem Yesterday 12:38pm
Play We Are Scientists – The Great Escape Yesterday 12:35pm
Play Squarepusher – Circlewave 2 Yesterday 12:31pm
Play Johnny Truant – Seven Days at Knife Point Loved track Yesterday 12:26pm
Play Hall & Oates – Out of Touch Loved track Yesterday 12:24pm
De La Soul – I Be Blowin' Yesterday 12:19pm
Play Thursday – A Hole in the World Yesterday 12:16pm
Architects – You'll Find Safety Yesterday 12:12pm
Play At the Drive-In – For Now... We Toast Yesterday 12:09pm
The Seven Mile Journey
Rockets Red Glare
Lets Grow
Part Chimp
Majority Rule
Andrew Bird
Arcade Fire
Draft, The
More Than Life
Play Smoke City
The Acacia Strain
American Me
The Seven Mile Journey
Still Life
Wolf Whistle
Loma Prieta
Limp Wrist
Left for Dead
Form of Rocket
It Prevails
Black Cobra
Thee More Shallows
Coke Bust
Insect Warfare
Moving Mountains
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Grand Magus
Buried Inside
Rob Brown Ensemble
Lights Out
A Silver Mt. Zion
Down to Nothing
It Prevails
Bishop Allen
Tiger Flowers
Form of Rocket
Portugal. The Man
The Creatures
Weekend Nachos
Guns Up!
Fall of Efrafa
Apartment 213
baron noir
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Comeback Kid
Hot Club de Paris
Insect Warfare
The Locust
Creation Is Crucifixion
Gifts From Enola
Violent Femmes
Life at These Speeds
Shoemaker Levy 9
Modest Mouse
Hush Arbors
Neil Perry
Shook Ones
Smoke City
Jesus Cröst
Creation Is Crucifixion
Gifts From Enola
Violent Femmes
Life at These Speeds
Shoemaker Levy 9
Hush Arbors
Cult of Luna
Noisy Sins of the Insect
Accion Mutante
SS Decontrol
We Are Scientists
Agnostic Front
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Red Sparowes
The Safety Fire
This Town Needs Guns
Circle Takes the Square
duck duck goose
Lupe Fiasco
Planes Mistaken for Stars
Machine and the Synergetic Nuts
Title Fight
O! The Joy
The Accidental
Life Long Tragedy
Creation Is Crucifixion
Gifts From Enola
Violent Femmes
Life at These Speeds
death is not glamorous
harvey milk
Nouvelle Vague
Shipwreck A.D.
Weekend Nachos
man man
Noisy Sins of the Insect
English Dogs
Wu-Tang Clan
Crystal Castles
Dear Landlord
the shitty limits
Thievery Corporation
Joshua Fit for Battle
Death From Above 1979
Assfactor 4
Phoenix Bodies
Noisy Sins of the Insect
Suchi Rukara
The Acacia Strain
The Knife
Friendly Fires
aussitôt mort
steel nation
Tiny Hawks
Andrew Carter
Phoenix Bodies
Coke Bust
Off Minor
A Sunny Day In Glasgow
Violent Femmes
Portugal. The Man
Assfactor 4
Agents of Oblivion
Kite Flying Society
A Mountain Of One

every rose has its thorn - poison, nothing but a good time - poison, can't touch this - mc hammer

ory, From a Second Story Window, The Number Twelve Looks Like You, Job for a Cowboy, Winds of Plague, Despised Icon, The Acacia Strain, Daath, Heavy Heavy Low Low.

'My favorite records of all time would probably include portishead-dummy, the smiths-s/t, leonard cohen-the essential leonard cohen, my bloody valentine-loveless, and the pixies-bossanova. Favorites at the moment would be blonde redhead-23, swans-the great annihilator, cocteau twins-treasure, nina hagen-nunsexmonkrock, and ciccone youth-the whitey album.'

i have school in about a week and i'm pretty stoked to see everyone again!
its rad how this long period of not seeing everyone makes you love + miss everyone moar and understand how important they are. to me, everyone is special in there own speical way and school photos.. ew
current mood: drained Photobucket
current music: only - nine inch nails